This depends completely on the new beekeeper, some equipment can be built, and other items purchased new or used. Depending on how many hives are desired, access to bees and so forth. A complete hobbyist beginner may spend anywhere from $200 to $400.
Beekeeping is a seasonal task. During the winter there is little to be done, during the spring your time may become completely occupied. Once a beekeeper becomes accustomed to keeping bees it may take anywhere between five to thirty minutes twice a month per hive during the active season.
This is wholly dependent on where you live and possibly the number of hives you wish to keep. If you call your local agricultural department they can likely point you in the right direction.
This is dependent on many factors, including the race of bees the keeper keeps, the temperament of the individual colonies, the number of colonies and the beekeepers attitude and skill. Every beekeeper that does his or her job properly will get stung at some point, it is rarely the goal, but sometimes the result. A beekeeper may expect more stings as they begin keeping bees, and fewer as they continue.
It can, and likely will depending on where the sting occurred. The best protection against being stung is not to bother the bees, however the second best is to wear the proper protective gear such as a veil or bee suit. Some beekeepers even purposely get stung around ten times a season to build and keep a tolerance to bee venom, causing intermediate stings to hurt and swell less.
Statistics show that lightning is more likely to lead to death than bee stings.
The stinger should be removed as soon as possible by scraping it out, such as by using a finger nail or credit card. Squeezing the stinger, and attached venom pouch, may cause the release of more venom in to the skin.
Yes, if the bee that stings is a worker bee it will lose its life shortly after stinging. A queen bee may survive after stinging, however it is extremely unlikely to be stung by a queen.
No, this may be a standard reaction to a bee sting, however consult a doctor to be sure.
There may be anywhere between 10,000 to 80,000 bees in a colony. Population is highly dependent on the activity and season of the bees.
Normally there only exist a single mated queen bee within a hive, though it is not unheard of to have two for a short time, but it is even rarer to have three.
Bees can fly between six and nine miles per hour.
Worker bees may fly up to 500 miles during their foraging existence which may last on average between 5 and 30 days.
Bees will only fly as far as they need to, but may fly as far as 3 miles from home.
Around 50 to 80 percent.
As many as 30 trips for a single bee have been recorded.
A full load of nectar may weigh about 85% of the body weight of a bee.
Around 15 to 30 percent
As many as 50 trips for a single bee have been recorded
Rarely more than 15 mg.
Yes, other than its use to deposit eggs in the center of an empty cell, the queen bee's stinger secondary function is inject other competitive queens with venom in order to eliminate them. The bee’s stinger is a modified ovipositor, which developed in to a defensive mechanism.
In most areas there is no legal way to prevent a neighbor by force from keeping bees on their own property. If a law does not already exist preventing beekeeping in your community, you may wish to speak to a local government representative in order to instate one. However, there is often no good legal reason to instate such a law and beekeepers associations tend to fight as a group preventing any such law from being created. Checking zoning laws may be a secondary option, but most allow beekeeping as long as the apiary number is below a certain level, which is often in the hundreds. The best option is to speak to your neighbor and explain your grievances in order to work out a compromise, though be aware that in most cases they have no legal requirement to make you happy.
It could be contaminated with rhododendron or azalea nectar, and thus poisonous.
While it is true that bees can forage nectar from plants with human toxic nectar, you have to consider the distribution of such flowers. If poison-nectar plants are the predominant source of nectar for forming honey, don’t eat the honey produced. However, in most cases such nectar sources are few and far between on the foraging path of honeybees. This in combination with the sheer amount of nectar that must be gathered to make a small amount of honey makes the occurrence of honey poisoning extremely rare. Experienced beekeepers should be aware of possible toxic honey their hive may produce, this honey is often collected and used only for feeding back to the bees. If there is any question, avoid using any honey that you don’t trust.
No, honey should not be fed to infants under the age of 1 or to people with severe immune system deficiencies. This is due to possibility of botulism spores being present within the honey. This level of botulism present should have no ill effect on a healthy person.